'Body Maintenance Manual'
Prepare to sit and stand
To help you begin to strengthen your muscles to the point where you can safely get in and out of a chair, using just your arms and legs to help you. If you struggle to get up out of a chair, this is a good place to start...
Press-up, on knees
To strengthen arm, shoulder and chest muscles. Particularly good for working the under-arm (tricep) muscles. Everyday benefits include being able to push a shopping trolley or someone in a wheelchair more easily...
Sit and stand leg strengthener
To strengthen the muscles that let you bend and straighten your legs. If your legs go weak or wobbly a lot, or if you find it hard getting up off or down into a chair, this is a good place to start...
To strengthen all the major muscles of the legs and buttocks. Especially good for knee-muscle conditioning. Will help make it easier to bend down and lift things from the floor or bend down and pick up a child...
Upper back strengthener, sitting
To strengthen your upper back muscles, which counteracts the effect of droopy shoulders and hunched posture. This also helps to keep your shoulders more flexible...
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