'The exercise isn’t working'

Exercise isn’t helping my angina

I am 59 years old and suf­fer from angina, for which I am on med­ic­a­tion. My doc­tor advised me to take more exer­cise, so I go to the gym once a week but as soon as my heart rate gets to around 100 the angina pains start. I don’t feel any bet­ter, have not lost any weight and can­not see that it is going to help. Should I push myself harder?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

I’m fit, so why is climbing stairs so hard?

I’m 61 and very fit, but I still can’t walk up a flight of stairs without get­ting out of breath and my legs feel­ing weak. Why is this?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

How can I delay the need for joint replacement?

I suffered some bad injur­ies 40 years ago and have been toldI will need knee and hip replace­ments even­tu­ally. What would be a good fit­ness régime to help post­pone the sur­gery for as long as pos­sible? At 61, des­pite stay­ing act­ive and play­ing golf, my leg muscles are los­ing bulk...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Why aren’t my 100-​a-​day sit-​ups working?

I do 100 sit-​ups every morn­ing but they don’t seem to be doing any­thing for my stom­ach defin­i­tion. Should I be vary­ing the sit-​up a little more?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Why can’t I shift my paunch at the gym?

I am a 46-​year old man. After turn­ing 40 I put on 2st around my stom­ach. For six months now, I have been to my local gym five times a week, burn­ing about 1,000 cal­or­ies each time. But my weight has not changed and I still have ugly flab around my stom­ach. I am becom­ing very dis­il­lu­sioned. Any sug­ges­tions?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Is my gym workout making me put on weight?

When I star­ted a fit­ness régime last month I was full of determ­in­a­tion. I am at my local gym three times a week, with a brisk hour-​long walk at the week­end. I am eat­ing sens­ibly, no alco­hol etc. Yet I put on 2lb in the past fort­night. I know it’s silly to get dis­cour­aged this soon, but am I doing some­thing wrong?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 19, 2012

I work out, so why have I got a spare tyre?

I am 63 and have been going reg­u­larly to the gym for 15 years. Eight years ago I stopped smoking. Although I have eaten nor­mally since then, I have put on a stone and now have a depress­ing “spare tyre” where my waist used to be. Should I just accept that this is age­ing catch­ing up with me?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 19, 2012

After my heart bypass, I cannot lose weight

I am 67 and have had a quad­ruple heart bypass and valve replace­ment. For the past four months I have been going to the gym two or three times a week and although I feel fit­ter, I can­not lose weight (I am 16st). I got rid of my car and do much more walk­ing now, but still can­not shift this weight. Can you advise me?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 19, 2012