Why do care homes fail to get residents moving?

Why do care homes fail to get residents moving? Enid Irving has inspec­ted many care homes. Why, she asks, do they leave their res­id­ents sit­ting around all day, rather than giv­ing them the chance to do more activ­ity and exer­cise?...

Volunteers, magic mushrooms, tai chi and Vit B

Volunteers, magic mushrooms, tai chi and Vit B Read on for updates on how life after work­ing life is get­ting fuller and busier;the power­ful prop­er­ties of mush­rooms; thumbs up for tai chi after stroke;latest research on vit­am­ins and demen­tia Retired? No, busy work­ing for good causes One in five retired people have turned them­selves into ‘port­fo­lio volun­teers’, tak­ing on reg­u­lar duties for two or more char­it­ies, accord­ing to a sur­vey from the Royal Voluntary...

Champion our elders for the good of all’

'Champion our elders for the good of all' We need encour­age­ment to form rela­tion­ships between younger and older people to break down bar­ri­ers of fear and mis­un­der­stand­ing and develop a sense of com­mun­al­ity with people from other gen­er­a­tions...

Stair-​climbing: a step change in keeping fit

Stair-climbing: a step change in keeping fit Stair-​climbing is pos­sibly the best and cheapest route to fit­ness ever inven­ted (see box). Intense and power­ful, it’s a com­plete train­ing pack­age for heart, lungs, bones, muscles and flex­ib­il­ity…...

More research backs exercise for older people

More research backs exercise for older people Research round-​up: latest news from the sci­ent­ists about older poeple. Includes: hor­mone replace­ment ther­apy and exer­cise for post-​menopausal women, activ­ity versus brain shrink­age, stat­ins and muscle weak­ness, inactiv­ity as a world-​wide killer...

Nice ideas alone will not get us moving

Nice ideas alone will not get us moving We all need much more encour­age­ment to do much more walk­ing and cyc­ling. But new guidelines from NICE, the gov­ern­ment health advis­ory body, are so gen­eral and wishy-​washy, they are likely to sink without trace...