Paddy Jones dances with the spirit of Ginger

Paddy Jones poses for the camera, showing off her dancing legs
Paddy Jones spent a long and con­ten­ted life as a devoted wife
and mother. Then, aged 69, she wandered into a whole new
career, became a TV star and a Guinness world record cham­pion

Paddy Jones is tiny: barely touch­ing 5ft without her oblig­at­ory high heels. She is also impec­cably turned-​out and con­spicu­ously in pos­ses­sion of the most fant­astic fig­ure. She wears her heels and make-​up like the true pro she is, and when she speaks, her soft west Midlands tones are delivered with stage-​school pre­ci­sion.

Paddy loves talk­ing – she’s a great storyteller. But she loves dan­cing more. As with all the best stor­ies in life, it took the acci­dent of a tragedy in her life – the death of her beloved hus­band – to bounce her into a new career at the age of 69. Today, her life is utterly trans­formed. She lives to dance, makes routine live appear­ances in theatres around the world, does radio and TV shows, gets stopped in the street by admir­ing fans. Paddy Jones, aged 78 and a bit, is an inter­na­tional celebrity and a very proud holder of the Guinness Book of World Records title of Oldest Acrobatic Salsa Dancer.

I inter­viewed Paddy in the autumn of 2012 at her son’s home in Stourbridge, a leafy green west Midlands town. It was a beau­ti­ful day, the trees show­ing bril­liant reds and oranges in the warm rays of the low, late sun. I’d been try­ing to get to meet her for 18 months. It was worth the wait.

In the audio clips below, you can listen to edited extracts from our con­ver­sa­tion. Just click, sit back and enjoy! If you’d rather read than listen, click here to read my inter­view with Paddy. I will also be adding some video clips shortly of some of Paddy’s tales from her life.

Paddy Jones in inter­view (audio ver­sion)

Clip 1: How Jane came across Paddy

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Jane explains how she found out about Paddy.

Paddy Jones being interviewed

Clip 2: The early years

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Paddy describes a child­hood filled with singing and dan­cing, and how she stepped away from the stage to get mar­ried

Clip 3: Marriage and the retire­ment plan

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Paddy talks about life with David, their plan to go to Spain, and how events trampled all over their dreams

Paddy standing with Nico outside his dance academyClip 4: From Flamenco to Latin to extreme salsa

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Alone in Spain, Paddy rekindles her old pas­sion in a new form, with a new part­ner and an extraordin­ary new energy

Clip 5: Nico, star­dom and a world record

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Paddy talks about her dance part­ner, how they became celebrit­ies on Spanish TV and the moment when she was handed a Guinness Book of Records medal

Coming soon: viedo of Paddy recall­ing events from her dan­cing life

The small print: attri­bu­tions

The fol­low­ing music was used in these clips

Clip 1: Vamos a tocar sonido by Frank Guerrero y su grupo Aché
Clip 2: Fui Yo by Frank Guerrero y su grupo Aché
Clip 3: La mujer de Antonio by SONGO 21
Clip 3: Solea para Bailar by Pilar Calvo y Luis Maravilla
Clips 4&5: Mas rap­ido licensed through Music Media Tracks

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