'Living with lung disease'

What’s the best exercise for my emphysema?

I am a single mother, aged 45, just dia­gnosed with emphysema from smoking. I get breath­less doing every­day jobs such as vacu­um­ing. I used to be very act­ive. I have no car and little money. Could you give me some advice?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Can exercise help my asthma and angina?

I am a man of 73 and a life-​long asth­matic. After a spell in hos­pital with pneu­mo­nia, I find climb­ing stairs dif­fi­cult because of breath­less­ness and wasted muscles. I also get slight angina if I over-​exert myself. Is it safe to increase my heart rate? I do not want to waste time and effort try­ing to achieve the impossible...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012