'Life after stroke'

With Parkinson’s, can exercise help my balance?

I am 82. I have had a minor stroke and have Parkinson’s dis­ease. The main prob­lem seems to be my bal­ance. When I walk it is dif­fi­cult to put my heels down first. And I find it hard to straighten my legs after sit­ting for a while. Could you sug­gest any way to improve my mobil­ity and bal­ance?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

After a major stroke, I need motivation to get fit

I am 43 . A massive stroke nine years ago has left me over­weight with poor co-​ordination and bal­ance, and emo­tional stress. I have tried exer­cise classes without suc­cess: the only exer­cise I do is walk the dog. I really want someone who can guide and sup­port me back to fit­ness...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012