
Volunteers, magic mushrooms, tai chi and Vit B

Volunteers, magic mushrooms, tai chi and Vit B Read on for updates on how life after work­ing life is get­ting fuller and busier;the power­ful prop­er­ties of mush­rooms; thumbs up for tai chi after stroke;latest research on vit­am­ins and demen­tia Retired? No, busy work­ing for good causes One in five retired people have turned them­selves into ‘port­fo­lio volun­teers’, tak­ing on reg­u­lar duties for two or more char­it­ies, accord­ing to a sur­vey from the Royal Voluntary...
Posted by jane 0 Comments August 23, 2013

Champion our elders for the good of all’

'Champion our elders for the good of all' We need encour­age­ment to form rela­tion­ships between younger and older people to break down bar­ri­ers of fear and mis­un­der­stand­ing and develop a sense of com­mun­al­ity with people from other gen­er­a­tions...
Posted by jane 0 Comments August 23, 2013