'Living with diabetes'

What régime might help an overweight diabetic?

Can you advise on an exer­cise pro­gramme for a dia­betic man aged 59? He is over­weight (20st) and suf­fers from spon­dylitis in his neck and arth­ritis in his lower back. He can walk quite well but gets breath­less eas­ily. He would like to feel fit­ter but is unsure where to start...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Is there a ‘right’ kind of music for exercise?

I am in my early six­ties with high blood pres­sure and dia­betes. I visit my local gym thrice weekly, where they play piped music, any­thing from easy listen­ing to ear-​splitting mod­ern music or com­mer­cial radio. Does gym music have to be totally invas­ive? Is there a “right” kind of music for exer­cise?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

I’m overweight and fall a lot. Can exercise help?

I am a 64-​year-​old woman, weigh 18½st and have diet-​controlled dia­betes. I have twice broken my leg in the past five years. I have been advised to walk for exer­cise, but I seem to fall over when I go walk­ing, which has affected my con­fid­ence. Would a tread­mill at home help? I could spend about £150...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012