'Worried about falling over'

I’m unsteady and scared of falling

I’m a woman in my sev­en­ties and have noticed that my bal­ance is some­times bad. I’m afraid that I’ll have a fall. Is there any­thing I can do to improve my bal­ance?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

How can I stop feeling off-​balance all the time?

I’m a lady in my eighties and have harden­ing of the arter­ies. I am very off-​balance and have falls. I take tab­lets for my bal­ance, and also a tab­let to keep my pulse reg­u­lar. My doc­tor says my con­di­tion won’t get any worse, but that he can’t make it bet­ter. Surely there must be some­thing else that can be done?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

I’m overweight and fall a lot. Can exercise help?

I am a 64-​year-​old woman, weigh 18½st and have diet-​controlled dia­betes. I have twice broken my leg in the past five years. I have been advised to walk for exer­cise, but I seem to fall over when I go walk­ing, which has affected my con­fid­ence. Would a tread­mill at home help? I could spend about £150...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Can exercise help my tinnitus and balance?

I have very severe tin­nitus and I find lots of exer­cise very dif­fi­cult because I have prob­lems with my bal­ance and dizzy spells. I have a hula hoop but even that can put me off bal­ance at times. Have you any other sug­ges­tions?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 19, 2012