'Workouts at home'

Can I lose weight with a mini-​trampoline?

I was think­ing of buy­ing a small tram­po­line to improve my gen­eral fit­ness and hope­fully lose 10 — 14 lbs in weight. Are they a good idea? How long should a 65-​year old woman spend on it each day to see res­ults?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

How can I stop feeling off-​balance all the time?

I’m a lady in my eighties and have harden­ing of the arter­ies. I am very off-​balance and have falls. I take tab­lets for my bal­ance, and also a tab­let to keep my pulse reg­u­lar. My doc­tor says my con­di­tion won’t get any worse, but that he can’t make it bet­ter. Surely there must be some­thing else that can be done?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Can exercise help my weak and painful back?

I am 73. I have osteo­porosis, a slipped disc and sci­at­ica in my right leg. I recently had an epi­dural which hasn’t really done much to improve the pain. Can you recom­mend any exer­cises? Would Pilates or any other classes be of any bene­fit?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Can exercise help my back, hip and leg pain?

I am 61. For many years I have had back­ache in my lumbar spine, and now I also have osteoarth­ritis in my left hip. I get excru­ci­at­ing pain on my hip and all down the out­side of my leg, into my shin bone. Could you sug­gest some gentle exer­cises that would help?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Any tips for thighs, stomach and under-​arms?

Can you sug­gest any fit­ness routines to help stop the down­ward slide of vari­ous bits? I par­tic­u­larly want to firm up my inner thighs, stom­ach and under­arms. I am a 64-​year old woman, work full-​time, am a carer, go line-​dancing a couple of times a week, and have very little spare time...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

What exercise will help my achy shoulders?

Please could you sug­gest some shoulder exer­cises? I’m 90 years old and do all my own shop­ping and house work, so my shoulders ache all the time...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Will exercise worsen my cervical spondylosis?

I suf­fer from cer­vical spon­dyl­osis. I joined a small gym, doing car­dio and weights, but after a couple of months my neck pain worsened and I star­ted get­ting pins and needles in my arm and leg. Since I stopped the gym my pain is less but I am put­ting on weight and feel leth­ar­gic. Can you advise?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

How can I slim my thighs and tone my bum?

I try to exer­cise for half an hour every morn­ing. I have a step­per at home and I do lunges and weights. Should I do these on altern­ate days or com­bine them every day? My goal is to lose inches from my thighs and tone up my bot­tom...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 19, 2012

Can I tone and shape my body without weights?

How can I tone and reshape my body without using weights? I am a 51-​year-​old woman. I was think­ing of invest­ing in a home Pilates machine I saw in a cata­logue. Also what about ton­ing tables?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 19, 2012