'They Did It'
Paddy Jones dances with the spirit of Ginger
Paddy Jones spent a long and contented life as a devoted wife and mother. Then, aged 69, she wandered into a whole new career. became a TV star and a Guinness world record champion. No one better represents the spirit behind ‘If Ginger can do it’. Listen to Paddy in her own words here...
Pamela Rodger climbs Big Ben at 87
It takes a 334-step climb to see Big Ben in action from the inside. Pamela Rodger knew she would have to get in training to be sure of making the ascent successully. So that’s exactly what she did...
Charlie Williams can’t stop running fast
Charlie Williams, 82, holds 11 UK Masters records for running, including two set in 2011. He lives in Harrow with his wife, Evelyn. Charlie talks about his love of sprinting, how the running scene has changed, and how and why he still trains and works out to keep fit...
Roger Allsopp swims the Channel at 70
Roger Allsopp was a surgeon until he retired in 2006, aged 65. That year he swam the English Channel for the first time. Five years later, aged 70, he swam it again, becoming the oldest person in the world to have done it. Here’s his story – and his thoughts on fitness in later life...
They Did It
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