'Losing weight'

Nice ideas alone will not get us moving

Nice ideas alone will not get us moving We all need much more encour­age­ment to do much more walk­ing and cyc­ling. But new guidelines from NICE, the gov­ern­ment health advis­ory body, are so gen­eral and wishy-​washy, they are likely to sink without trace...
Posted by jane 0 Comments December 03, 2012

Can I lose weight with a mini-​trampoline?

I was think­ing of buy­ing a small tram­po­line to improve my gen­eral fit­ness and hope­fully lose 10 — 14 lbs in weight. Are they a good idea? How long should a 65-​year old woman spend on it each day to see res­ults?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

How can I stop comfort eating and lose weight?

My hus­band died two and a half years ago, and I have had many emo­tional prob­lems since. I have put on a lot of weight and I still keep eat­ing for com­fort. Because of my weight I have got very unfit. I am des­per­ate to do some­thing about it, but I can’t get motiv­ated...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

What régime might help an overweight diabetic?

Can you advise on an exer­cise pro­gramme for a dia­betic man aged 59? He is over­weight (20st) and suf­fers from spon­dylitis in his neck and arth­ritis in his lower back. He can walk quite well but gets breath­less eas­ily. He would like to feel fit­ter but is unsure where to start...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

After a major stroke, I need motivation to get fit

I am 43 . A massive stroke nine years ago has left me over­weight with poor co-​ordination and bal­ance, and emo­tional stress. I have tried exer­cise classes without suc­cess: the only exer­cise I do is walk the dog. I really want someone who can guide and sup­port me back to fit­ness...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

I have a personal trainer but cannot lose weight

I’m a 72 year old woman and over­weight. Since January I’ve been doing a gym pro­gramme with a per­sonal, trainer, twice a week for an hour, But I’ve not lost any weight, and I’m dis­ap­poin­ted. What am I doing wrong?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

I’m lazy and depressed. How can I liven up?

I am 59 and single. I work from home and look after my mother, 88, but recently I seem to have fallen into a rut: over­weight, drink­ing too much and lazy. My doc­tor has put me on anti-​depressants. How can I liven up?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Why can’t I shift my paunch at the gym?

I am a 46-​year old man. After turn­ing 40 I put on 2st around my stom­ach. For six months now, I have been to my local gym five times a week, burn­ing about 1,000 cal­or­ies each time. But my weight has not changed and I still have ugly flab around my stom­ach. I am becom­ing very dis­il­lu­sioned. Any sug­ges­tions?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

I’m overweight and fall a lot. Can exercise help?

I am a 64-​year-​old woman, weigh 18½st and have diet-​controlled dia­betes. I have twice broken my leg in the past five years. I have been advised to walk for exer­cise, but I seem to fall over when I go walk­ing, which has affected my con­fid­ence. Would a tread­mill at home help? I could spend about £150...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

How to trim my floppy midriff after weight loss?

I am a 65-​year-​old man who has lost 2st in 10 months by chan­ging my diet and walk­ing every day. My beer gut has vir­tu­ally gone but I have a lot of loose skin there now. How can I tone up my stom­ach to look more present­able in swim­ming trunks?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012