'Living with heart disease'

How can I stop feeling off-​balance all the time?

I’m a lady in my eighties and have harden­ing of the arter­ies. I am very off-​balance and have falls. I take tab­lets for my bal­ance, and also a tab­let to keep my pulse reg­u­lar. My doc­tor says my con­di­tion won’t get any worse, but that he can’t make it bet­ter. Surely there must be some­thing else that can be done?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Can I return to golf after my recent heart attack?

I am 71 and had my second heart attack eight weeks ago. I am told I do not need fur­ther treat­ment. I am keen to get back to golf; do you think it is to early?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

My bad arteries give me leg pain. Can you help?

Can you recom­mend exer­cises for me as a suf­ferer of ath­er­o­scler­o­sis, which causes me claudica­tion when I walk?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Can exercise help my asthma and angina?

I am a man of 73 and a life-​long asth­matic. After a spell in hos­pital with pneu­mo­nia, I find climb­ing stairs dif­fi­cult because of breath­less­ness and wasted muscles. I also get slight angina if I over-​exert myself. Is it safe to increase my heart rate? I do not want to waste time and effort try­ing to achieve the impossible...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

After my heart bypass, I cannot lose weight

I am 67 and have had a quad­ruple heart bypass and valve replace­ment. For the past four months I have been going to the gym two or three times a week and although I feel fit­ter, I can­not lose weight (I am 16st). I got rid of my car and do much more walk­ing now, but still can­not shift this weight. Can you advise me?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 19, 2012

How best to workout with angina and high BP?

I am try­ing to regain fit­ness after being dia­gnosed with microvas­cu­lar angina and high blood pres­sure. I take med­ic­a­tion. I have been very fit until recently. The doc­tors say exer­cise is fine, as my body will tell me what the lim­it­a­tions are. I can run for about 15 minutes before get­ting pain. Do you have any guid­ance?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 19, 2012