'Exercise after major illness'

What workout can help my saggy, baggy body?

I am a 67-​year-​old woman, recov­er­ing from non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The dis­ease and chemo­ther­apy caused me to lose 2½ stone rap­idly. I would like to main­tain the weight I am now, but my body has aged 20 years, with wrinkled skin and loose flesh hanging every­where. Can you recom­mend any exer­cise to help?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Pain and injury are making exercise impossible

I had a bad fall some years ago. Because of the spinal injur­ies and con­stant pain, des­pite sev­eral oper­a­tions, I can­not move very well and find any exer­cise almost impossible. Some days are bet­ter than oth­ers, but they are few. I have so much muscle and weight loss that I look skeletal. How can I break out of this rut sens­ibly? The local gym wanted hun­dreds of pounds to join, which I do not have...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

With Parkinson’s, can exercise help my balance?

I am 82. I have had a minor stroke and have Parkinson’s dis­ease. The main prob­lem seems to be my bal­ance. When I walk it is dif­fi­cult to put my heels down first. And I find it hard to straighten my legs after sit­ting for a while. Could you sug­gest any way to improve my mobil­ity and bal­ance?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Can I return to golf after my recent heart attack?

I am 71 and had my second heart attack eight weeks ago. I am told I do not need fur­ther treat­ment. I am keen to get back to golf; do you think it is to early?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Can exercise help my asthma and angina?

I am a man of 73 and a life-​long asth­matic. After a spell in hos­pital with pneu­mo­nia, I find climb­ing stairs dif­fi­cult because of breath­less­ness and wasted muscles. I also get slight angina if I over-​exert myself. Is it safe to increase my heart rate? I do not want to waste time and effort try­ing to achieve the impossible...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

Can exercise help me recover from cancer?

I am in my sev­en­ties and have recently had an oper­a­tion for can­cer of the womb. Currently I am hav­ing radio­ther­apy and although I am not feel­ing unwell, I feel some kind of exer­cise routine might help me to gain strength once the radio­ther­apy has fin­ished. Can you advise?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 26, 2012

With ME, how best to return safely to exercise?

I have been ill for 18 years with Fibromyalgia and ME, but have got to the stage where I think I can do more exer­cise. I used to love dan­cing but my ankles and joints are weak now – how can I strengthen them? I usu­ally over-​do any­thing new, so get knocked back quite quickly. How do I avoid that?...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 19, 2012

Will a return to exercise damage my new hip?

I am 62 and had a hip replace­ment last December, after frac­tur­ing my pel­vis. I was always act­ive, but am now very wary . I want my new hip to last for as long as pos­sible. I am visu­ally impaired which makes going to a gym or swim­ming nigh-​on impossible...
Posted by jane 0 Comments October 19, 2012