'Body Maintenance Manual'

Obliques strengtheners, lying

Obliques strengtheners, lying Safety first! Read safety basics here It’s a good idea to prac­tise ab curls first, as the move­ments here all involve start­ing with an ab curl. And some people should def­in­itely not be doing lying obliques work — see below What it’s good for Strengthening the abdom­inal muscles that we use for side-​bending and twist­ing around. Everyday bene­fits include: reach­ing to the oppos­ite sides or around your body, for wash­ing,...
Posted by jane Comments Off on Obliques strengtheners, lying January 18, 2013

Ab curls

Ab curls For strength­en­ing the long abdom­inal muscle which we use for lean­ing and bend­ing for­wards. Everyday bene­fits include bend­ing down to tie shoelaces; being able to reach for­wards for some­thing safely, without top­pling for­wards or los­ing bal­ance...
Posted by jane Comments Off on Ab curls October 28, 2012

Ankle loosening and conditioning

Ankle loosening and conditioning To reduces stiff­ness, swell­ing and tight­ness in ankles; to make them more flex­ible and stronger. This is cru­cial for safe, com­fort­able walk­ing with good bal­ance...
Posted by jane Comments Off on Ankle loosening and conditioning October 28, 2012

Arm raises, straight up (shoulder press)

Arm raises, straight up (shoulder press) To strengthen shoulder muscles and help to keep your shoulders flex­ible enough to reach your arms up. Everyday bene­fits include reach­ing to get thigs on and off high shelves; tak­ing jump­ers on and off; chan­ging light bulbs; vari­ous DIY jobs; hanging cur­tains or shower cur­tains...
Posted by jane Comments Off on Arm raises, straight up (shoulder press) October 28, 2012

Back strengthener 1: supported superman

Back strengthener 1: supported superman To sart strength­en­ing the long muscles of your back. This will help you to sit, stand and walk upright with good pos­ture for longer without get­ting back ache or neck pain; reduce back and neck pain if you have arth­ritis or sim­ilar spinal prob­lems; and helps you stay taller and look straighter, not hunched over...
Posted by jane Comments Off on Back strengthener 1: supported superman October 28, 2012

Back strengthener 2: ‘I surrender’

Back strengthener 2: 'I surrender' To strength­en­ the long muscles of your back. This will help you to sit, stand and walk upright with good pos­ture for longer without get­ting back ache or neck pain; reduce back and neck pain if you have arth­ritis or sim­ilar spinal prob­lems; and helps you stay taller and look straighter, not hunched over...
Posted by jane Comments Off on Back strengthener 2: ‘I surrender’ October 28, 2012

Back strengthener 3: palms flat

Back strengthener 3: palms flat To strength­en­ the long muscles of your back. This will help you to sit, stand and walk upright with good pos­ture for longer without get­ting back ache or neck pain; reduce back and neck pain if you have arth­ritis or sim­ilar spinal prob­lems; and helps you stay taller and look straighter, not hunched over...
Posted by jane Comments Off on Back strengthener 3: palms flat October 28, 2012

Back strengthener 4: hover

Back strengthener 4: hover To strength­en­ the long muscles of your back. This will help you to sit, stand and walk upright with good pos­ture for longer without get­ting back ache or neck pain; reduce back and neck pain if you have arth­ritis or sim­ilar spinal prob­lems; and helps you stay taller and look straighter, not hunched over...
Posted by jane Comments Off on Back strengthener 4: hover October 28, 2012

Back strengthener 5: hands to head

To strength­en­ the long muscles of your back. This will help you to sit, stand and walk upright with good pos­ture for longer without get­ting back ache or neck pain; reduce back and neck pain if you have arth­ritis or sim­ilar spinal prob­lems; and helps you stay taller and look straighter, not hunched over...
Posted by jane Comments Off on Back strengthener 5: hands to head October 28, 2012

Back strengthener 6: floating arms

To strength­en­ the long muscles of your back. This will help you to sit, stand and walk upright with good pos­ture for longer without get­ting back ache or neck pain; reduce back and neck pain if you have arth­ritis or sim­ilar spinal prob­lems; and helps you stay taller and look straighter, not hunched over...
Posted by jane Comments Off on Back strengthener 6: floating arms October 28, 2012