Jane’s Q&A

Jane's pictureI spent a couple of years writ­ing a reg­u­lar advice column on fit­ness for health in a national London-​based news­pa­per. Most of the ques­tions I received were from older people, and nearly all who wrote had already tried and failed to resolve their pain or ill-​health through the usual routes. This sec­tion of the web­site con­tains ques­tions and answers that covered a broad range of the com­mon con­di­tions, health and life­style dilem­mas that people have to try to man­age. It may just be that someone ele’s dilemma chimes with you, that their prob­lem is sim­ilar to your own. And with luck, some part of my advice may also be use­ful to you.

How to search the Q&As

There are two ways to search the many Q&As on the site…

1. Search box

Just type in a rel­ev­ant word in the search box at the top right corner of the screen and search the site to see if the sub­ject has come up as a Q&A.

2. Browse by keyword

Halfway down the right-​side of the page is a list of keywords. Click on any of these (except ‘Body Maintenance Manual’ or ‘Exercise’) and you will be able to scroll through the ques­tions for that par­tic­u­lar theme.

Add your own advice

All of us can bene­fit from the exper­i­ence and wis­dom of oth­ers who’ve been through sim­ilar situ­ations. If you read a Q&A and have some­thing to add to the advice, please addy­our own com­ment (you will need to register first to do this)

Ask your own ques­tion

Please feel free to sub­mit your own ques­tion on health and exer­cise (you will need to register first). I will try to answer new ques­tions reg­u­larly on the web­site, and hope­fully oth­ers will add their good advice, too.

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