Why does my knee click when I run?

I used to run reg­u­larly but stopped when my left knee began to hurt. When I restric­ted my gym ses­sions to the cross-​trainer I was pain free, but 10 minutes after going back on the tread­mill, my knee star­ted hurt­ing again. It then made a “click­ing” sound as I walked home. What have I done and how can I make it bet­ter?...

I’m unsteady and scared of falling

I’m a woman in my sev­en­ties and have noticed that my bal­ance is some­times bad. I’m afraid that I’ll have a fall. Is there any­thing I can do to improve my bal­ance?...

At 60, am I overdoing the workouts?

I am 60 and when I go to cir­cuit classes I seem to be as fit as lots of 20-​year olds. The exer­cise makes me feel good, but am I really doing too much? If I was 73, what would your advice be?...

Will walking help my arthritis?

I have a curvature and arth­ritis in the spine, and I would like to know if walk­ing as exer­cise (with my stick) is likely to bene­fit or harm my con­di­tion. Also, is there any other exer­cise that might be suit­able for me (except swim­ming). I am aged 70...

Which exercise routine should I do?

I am a 65-​year old man, reas­on­ably fit and healthy with no dis­ab­il­it­ies, but I do not do any reg­u­lar exer­cise other than walk­ing an old dog and the usual DIY. I am inter­ested in start­ing a reg­u­lar exer­cise routine. Can you advise what would be suit­able?...

Will my new job make me unfit?

I’ve recently taken on a demand­ing job, work­ing long hours. Before, I was going to the gym four times a week but I can only see myself man­aging twice a week from now on. How can I avoid los­ing my hard-​earnt fit­ness?...

Exercise isn’t helping my angina

I am 59 years old and suf­fer from angina, for which I am on med­ic­a­tion. My doc­tor advised me to take more exer­cise, so I go to the gym once a week but as soon as my heart rate gets to around 100 the angina pains start. I don’t feel any bet­ter, have not lost any weight and can­not see that it is going to help. Should I push myself harder?...

Can I lose weight with a mini-​trampoline?

I was think­ing of buy­ing a small tram­po­line to improve my gen­eral fit­ness and hope­fully lose 10 — 14 lbs in weight. Are they a good idea? How long should a 65-​year old woman spend on it each day to see res­ults?...

What workout can help my saggy, baggy body?

I am a 67-​year-​old woman, recov­er­ing from non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The dis­ease and chemo­ther­apy caused me to lose 2½ stone rap­idly. I would like to main­tain the weight I am now, but my body has aged 20 years, with wrinkled skin and loose flesh hanging every­where. Can you recom­mend any exer­cise to help?...

Why does exercise make me feel ill?

I am in good gen­eral health but I seem to get tired very eas­ily. Every exer­cise class I have tried makes me feel ill. I joined a gym, but each time after about 10 minutes on the tread­mill I felt very strange, sort of off bal­ance, and my heart star­ted racing. So I have can­celled my mem­ber­ship. Any advice?...