Jane’s work as a trainer

New drop-​in class!

In part­ner­ship with the fant­astic, award-​winning Claremont Project, Jane has developed a new class format for the over-​55s, Hips, Knees, Backs & Balance, which she is teach­ing in Islington, north London. Classes run Mondays 2.30pm. Contact Claremont Centre for more inform­a­tion

Private train­ing

You can con­tact Jane (see below) for one-​to-​one per­sonal train­ing, pil­ates, or adap­ted pil­ates for osteo­porosis. She teaches very small groups (max 3) by arrange­ment.


Postural Stability Instructor
(an advanced qual­i­fic­a­tion for work­ing with older people at risk of falls)
Personal trainer
Stott Pilates teacher
(teach­ing essen­tial and inter­me­di­ate mat­work)
GP Exercise Referral
Exercise for older adults
Gym for dis­abled people
Outdoor group exer­icse
Nutrition for phys­ical activ­ity
Living with HIV
Exercise & men­tal health
Stress man­age­ment
Rehab Trainer sports injury man­age­ment
First Aid at Work
Professional gym instructor
Aqua exer­cise

Professional Bodies

Logo for the Register of Exercise Professions

♥ Member of the Register of Exercise Professionals at Level 4 (Specialist Exercise Instructor)

Find Jane at REPS — or search for a UK-​based qual­i­fied instructor near you — here

Stott Pilates logo

♥ Stott Pilates registered and accred­ited trainer

Find Jane at Pilates​.co​.uk, where you can also search for a UK-​based Pilates trainer near you

♥ Specialist in Postural Stability instruc­tion

Find Jane at Later Life Training, where you can search for a falls pre­ven­tion spe­cial­ist trainer near you

♥♥♥ To con­tact Jane about her train­ing work,
or to dis­cuss the pos­sib­il­ity of train­ing with her,
call 07980 241475 ♥♥♥

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