Obliques strengtheners, lying

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It’s a good idea to prac­tise ab curls first, as the move­ments here all involve start­ing with an ab curl. And some people should def­in­itely not be doing lying obliques work — see below

What it’s good for Strengthening the abdom­inal muscles that we use for side-​bending and twist­ing around. Everyday bene­fits include:

  • reach­ing to the oppos­ite sides or around your body, for wash­ing, dress­ing etc
  • ick­ing an object up from one side of you and pla­cing it on the other, eg: unpack­ing a box of books on to a shelf
How often to do it Daily
Equipment you’ll need A mat, rug, towel or any­thing else you can lie on com­fort­ably on the floor

Who it’s not good for
Anyone with…

  • neck or back injur­ies
  • a dia­gnosed neck or back con­di­tion (eg, spinal sten­osis)
  • low bone strength (osteopenia or osteo­porosis)
  • cur­rent or recently operated-​on her­nia

…should not do lying obliques strengthen­ers. Try the stand­ing ver­sion instead.

Obliques strengthener 1: side reaches

Lying face up, knees bent, at start of obliques strengtherreaching hand to same-side heel in obqlieus strengthener

  • Lie on your back, arms at your sides, knees bent and feet flat on the ground, hip-​width apart
  • Do a little pel­vic tilt (draw front hip bones slightly up to your eye­brows), and gently suck down your belly but­ton to keep your lower back and but­tocks on the ground dur­ing the move­ment
  • Tip your head slightly for­wards to look at the top corner of the room, and curl up so that your shoulders are just off the ground
  • float your arms just off the ground by your sides
  • Keeping your legs still, reach your left arm down towards your left heel; you should feel the waist area tighten on that side
  • Hold at the far point for 3, then­re­turn to centre
  • Without los­ing your ab curl pos­i­tion, reach right hand along towards right heel
  • Hold for 3 and return, ready to repeat on the firs side.

Reaching both sides = 1 repeat. Aim to do 15 repeats without rest.
Note: This might feel very tough to start with, espe­cially for your neck. But with reg­u­lar prac­tise you’ll be able to work your way up to the full set

♦ To keep your legs steady, gently squeeze a large rolled-​up towel or soft ball between your knees
♦ If your neck gets very achy, relax down for 10–20 secs, then con­tinue

Obliques strengthener 2: oppos­ite knee reaches

Reaching hand to oppostie knee for obliques strengthener

  • Lie on your back, arms at your sides, knees bent and feet flat on the ground, hip-​width apart
  • Do a little pel­vic tilt (draw front hip bones slightly up to your eye­brows), and gently suck down your belly but­ton to keep your lower back and but­tocks on the ground dur­ing the move­ment
  • Tip your head slightly for­wards to look at the top corner of the room, and curl up so that your shoulders are just off the ground
  • Reach your left arm across to touch the out­side of your right knee, twist­ing through your waist but still look­ing straight ahead
  • Return to centre, keep­ing your ab curl pos­i­tion, then reach left arm to the out­side of your right knee
  • Return to centre, ready to repeat

Reaching both sides = 1 repeat. Aim for 15 repeats without rest

Varying the exer­cise for more chal­lenge

When you can man­age 15 reaches without stop­ping, you need to move on to a harder chal­lenge. Here are some options:

1. Hold each reach
Touch and hold the out­side of the oppos­ite knee for a count of 3

2. Put your feet up
Place your feet against a wall, mak­ing a 90-​degree bend at the knee, then do the exer­cise

hands to head, reaching elbow to opposite knee for obliques strengthener3. Hands to ears oblique crunches
Feet-​down pos­i­tion. Place hands at the sides of your head, elbows wide, fin­gers just by your ears. As you twist from your waist, your right elbow will move across towards the left knee. As you crunch to the other side, left elbow will reach towards right knee. The whole of your upper body twists together. Try to keep elbows wide through­out (not hug­ging in to your ears).

4. Hands to ears crunches with feet up

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