Lower back relaxation — crook lie

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This is not an exer­cise, but a great way to get some tem­por­ary relief from per­sist­ent lower back pain

What it’s good for This pos­i­tion “unloads” the spine, tak­ing pres­sure off the bits that may be inflamed or irrit­ated
How often to do it As and when you need to
Equipment you’ll need A mat, rug, car­pet, towel or any­thing else you can lie on com­fort­ably on the floor
A kit­chen chair
A cush­ion for your head

Lying face up with knees bent and feet and lower legs resting on a chair seat

  • Lie face up
  • Place your feet and shins on the chair, keep­ing your hips and knees at right angles so your back is com­fort­able and not under strain
  • Relax there for 5 to 10 minutes or as long as you feel com­fort­able

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