What it’s good for |
How often to do it | Daily |
Equipment you’ll need | A mat, rug, carpet, towel or anything else you can lie on comfortably on the floor |
- Lie face down, elbows bent and palms flat, roughly by your ears (if you were standing, you’d have your arms in a position that said “I surrender”)
- Rest your forehead on a small cushion to stop your head hanging, and any neck strain
- Draw in lower abs gently, lift your chest away from the ground and at the same time float your arms up with you, lengthening your head
- forwards as you hover
- Keep looking down, so you don’t pull your neck back
- Don’t lift too high: if you feel your lower back scrunching, you have gone a bit far, so relax a fraction
- Hold the back raise for 5, breathing, then lower carefully
- Rest briefly then repeat
Aim for 10 raises at one go.
Cannot do this at all? If you are finding this impossible, try Back Strengthener 1: Supported superman instead
Varying the exercise for more challenge
In this position, your arms are adding quite a lot of extra load to work the back muscles even harder. Work up to 3 sets of 10 daily. You will be doing great work in maintaining strength through your spine, which should repay you in your everyday life.
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